Terms and Conditions
The Red Earth Studio Ltd
Terms and Conditions
1. Fee Policies & Procedures
1.1 Class/Course/Event Fees are strictly payable online in advance of the first class via the Booking forms on the website and payments for one off classes or whole course fees to be processed via the PayPal payment process.
1.2 Failure to pay fees may result in the loss of the enrolment position.
1.3 If by prior arrangement a student has attended a first art class and have not made the term fee payment it will be due within 7 days. On the 8th day the unpaid accounts will incur late payment fees of $20.
1.4 Where classes fall on public holidays, make-up classes will be added to the end of term.
2. Refund Policies & Procedures
2.1 For all classes/courses/events, no refunds will be given within 7 days of commencement date unless there is a waiting list and a replacement enrolment can be secured. If you cancel a course more than 7 days before course commencement date you will be entitled to a refund. Bookings can only be processed for the current course and fees cannot be transferred to future courses/classes/events unless agreed by the Red Earth Studio Ltd.
2.2 Where a class is postponed due to circumstances beyond our control there will be no refund offered - The classes will be rescheduled and continued at an alternative date which will be publicised as soon as possible.
2.3 MAKE UP SESSIONS: Due to the nature of the programme there are No Make-up classes or credits unless under special circumstances agreed by The Red Earth Studio Ltd . But if you advise us at least 7 days in advance of a course class being missed and if a spot is available in one of the other classes on the same week as the missed class for the same session, we may be able to offer an optional make up session. The request may only be fulfilled one time during the course. Please arrange this by contacting The Red Earth Studio Ltd as soon as possible. This may not always be possible if all our classes are full, but we do try our best as a goodwill gesture.
2.4 SICKNESS or PERSONAL CIRCUMSTANCES: If you miss one or more session during the term due to sickness or holidays, you will still need to pay for the sessions as the space has been held for you. So you will not be entitled to a fee reduction or credit for the missed classes. In some cases of illness or injury where the full Term Course has been missed, we are happy to transfer your enrolment to a future course of your choice.
2.5 For any requests we will respond to your request promptly. Should you not hear from us within 48 hours - please check your spam. If still no response please do give us a call to confirm, as nothing can guarantee 100% email deliverability. For any cancellations, you must receive a written confirmation from us that we have received your request for the cancellation to proceed.
3. Appropriate Clothing
3.1. Students can wear what they like to class, we have aprons available for student use . The Red Earth Studio Ltd is not responsible for any damage to the student's clothing.
4. Health, Safety, Injury & Medical Conditions Policies & Procedures
4.1. The Red Earth Studio Ltd is not liable for personal injury sustained or any lost, damaged or forgotten personal property, whilst on the premises. The Red Earth Studio Ltd will aim to provide a safe learning environment to reduce the risk of injury. It is known that generally, art classes carry very low risks of injury.
4.2. Access to the Red Earth Studio is via an exterior staircase to the rear of the studio building. Students must adhere and take note of signs regarding safety on the staircase, using the handrail at all times and only stay in areas where lights have been installed to help guide students to the and from the studio. All other areas of the property are OUT OF BOUNDS unless prior arrangement has been made with the tutor/owners of The Red Earth Studio.
4.3. The Red Earth Studio Ltd provides qualified art tutors, who actively promote safe art practice.
4.4. It is the student's responsibility to notify their Tutor/host in the event of illness/injury/medical condition prior to the class /course commencing.
4.5. It is the student's responsibility to notify their Tutor/host if they have any special dietary requirements prior to the class/course commencing.
4.6. It is the student's responsibility to notify their Tutor/Host (prior to the class/course commencing) if the student has any special medical conditions that can affect their health in class.
4.7. A first aid kit is available to any student through their Tutor/Host. We do not provide anyone with Panadol or equivalent or administer any other medications.
4.8. There will be a qualified first-aid person available to assist when needed. A First-aid certificate is displayed within the studio building.
4.9. Entrance/Exit signs are clearly marked outside and within the Red Earth Studio building.
5. Safety and Security Policies & Procedures
5.1 While we endeavour to provide a safe environment, Tutors/Hosts cannot be responsible for students outside their allocated class time or outside the classroom.
6. Red Earth Studio Ltd Standards of Behaviour Policies
6.1 Students must endeavour to be punctual to classes to ensure they receive all the pre-drawing instructions from the tutor.
6.2 Regular class attendance is vital for students to develop.
6.3 Class/Course sizes: A minimum of 10 students is required to run a class.
6.4 The Red Earth Studio Ltd maintains the right to request for removal of any student who acts inappropriately in the classroom: creates a Health & Safety risk for self or others in the studio space, damages property, causes repeat disruptions to any classes,. Any removal and resulting booking cancellation will not be eligible for any refunds nor credit for this booking.
7. Photography in the Classroom
7.1. Photography of students and their artwork in classes is permitted only by the Red Earth Studio Ltd tutor (unless prior permission has not been given by student/s). Some photographs/artworks get published on The Red Earth Studio website or Facebook/Instagram page. Group photographs also may be used in our email Updates and Marketing.
7.2 All individuals participating in The Red Earth Studio courses and other activities, give the rights to The Red Earth Studio to use the photographs for media updates and other marketing purposes only.
7.3 Photography in the Classroom is permitted only by The Red Earth Studio tutor. Photography of Teaching Materials and Methods are prohibited as all Copyrights for those belong to The Red Earth Studio Ltd.
8. Complaints Procedure
Formal complaints should be made in writing to The Red Earth Studio via the email contact (info@red-earthstudio.com). The appointed person from The Red Earth Studio will contact the correspondent to verbally discuss the issue(s) and will also write an email/ letter of reply making every effort to find a resolution.
9.Student Conduct
9.1. All students enrolled in any course at The Red Earth Studio are expected to conduct themselves in an appropriate and respectful manner. Any student deemed to not be adhering to the code of conduct may result in the course participant being asked to leave the premises with the possibility of waiving their rights to continue the course.
9.2.We ask students to:
Be considerate of others at the course, includes Tutors and other students.
To follow teaching instructions from teaching Tutor
Not to engage in behaviour that might be deemed intimidating, confrontational, or harassing of other course participants and staff, including sexual or verbal harassment or physical violence.
Not be in possession of, or use, illegal drugs or substances at the course premises.
The Red Earth Studio Ltd will make every effort to ensure that all courses proceed as advertised on the website or through related publicity material. However, all courses are subject to minimum enrolment numbers and we reserve the right to cancel any course where minimum numbers are not reached. We also reserve the right to make minor modifications to any course content as we see necessary, without prior warning and without compromising the overall quality of the course content, structure and delivery.